In today's media-rich culture, the Internet and social media are essential to youth culture. According to danah boyd in Hanging Out, Messing Around “teens value social media because they help them build, maintain, and develop friendships with peers” (Ito, et al, 2010, 113). But what constitutes these different "friendships with peers"? With the Internet, could someone you never met in person be a friend?
This is how, in my opinion, vloggers, bloggers and other social media creators have become celebrities in their own right. Teens (and adults) create friendships with these "friends", even if they live across the country or across the world. They also listen to their recommendations on makeup, skin care, fashion, technology and more. But what happens when those recommendations have been "sponsored?" What are the rules surrounding sponsored posts or advertisements across platforms? This research will look at previous research, the different rules about sponsorship, social media celebrities and examples of their sponsored posts.

Kara S.
Nice to meet you! I am a Public Relations and French student at American University in Washington, DC. This website serves as my final project for Digital Media and Culture, a class that examines the central role that digital media technologies play in contemporary culture and society.
For this final project, I decided to look into the role that social media celebrities have played in marketing and identity. This is the result of that research. Enjoy!